When doing web design you have to figure out the best color, e.g. for the page background. Using a WYSIWYG editor this would be no problem. But I personally don’t like them. So I have to either first design the page in another app like InkScape and then use the same color, or I have to commit myself to trial and error — this is painful!
This is where ”What the C*lor!” jumps in.
“What the C*lor” let’s you adjust the text, background and border color of any element, specified by a CSS selector. It uses jQuery and Farbtastic.
How to use:
Since “What the C*lor” is a bookmarklet, you only need to bookmark the following link — simply drag it into your bookmarks bar:
What the C*lor!
Type the selector for the element you want to style into the selector box (It uses jQuery to find the element, so you can also use selectors like :odd
. Then you can use the color wheel to adjust the colors of the element. When you found the right color, copy the color from the text field below the color wheel. I hope you can find it useful.